
netwox 是由 lauconstantin 开发的一款网络工具集,适用群体为网络管理员和网络黑客,它可以创造任意的 TCP、UDP 和 IP 数据报文,以实现网络欺骗,并且可以在 Linux 和 Windows 系统中运行。

netwox 可以在命令模式下使用,也可以在 GUI中 使用 netwag 调用。

netwox 包含了超过 200 个不同的功能,这里被称为模块。每个模块都有一个特定的编号,使用不同的编号模块来实现不同的功能。




下载最新版本,单击 Download Latest Version 按钮进行下载。成功下载后,下载的是一个压缩包,名称为 netw-ib-ox-ag-5.39.0.tgz


Windows安装: 解压 netw-ib-ox-ag-5.39.0.tgz安装包,在解压的文件夹中找到对应的应用程序文件 installwindows.exe。双击该文件进行安装,会弹出“安装确认”对话框,

同意在该系统中安装。输入 y,并回车,将显示其他需要确认的信息。这里,一律输入y 并回车即可,信息如下:

This program will install netwib, netwox and netwag on your system.
Do you agree ? [y/n] y
Setting global variables.
InstallDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\netw\netw539
Do you agree to use this installation directory ? [y/n] y   #确认是否安装
Copying files under C:\Program Files (x86)\netw\netw539
Do you agree to place shortcuts on desktop ? [y/n] y  #确认是否创建桌面快捷键
Do you agree to place shortcuts in start menu ? [y/n] y  #确认是否在开始菜单中创建快捷键
Press any key to terminate


Netwox toolbox version 5.39.0. Netwib library version 5.39.0.

######################## MAIN MENU #########################
 0 - leave netwox 
 3 - search tools 
 4 - display help of one tool 
 5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line
 6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboard
 a + information
 b + network protocol
 c + application protocol
 d + sniff (capture network packets)
 e + spoof (create and send packets)
 f + record (file containing captured packets)
 g + client
 h + server
 i + ping (check if a computer if reachable)
 j + traceroute (obtain list of gateways)
 k + scan (computer and port discovery)
 l + network audit
 m + brute force (check if passwords are weak)
 n + remote administration
 o + tools not related to network
Select a node (key in 03456abcdefghijklmno): e

############# spoof (create and send packets) ##############
 0 - leave netwox
 1 - go to main menu
 2 - go to previous menu
 3 - search tools
 4 - display help of one tool
 5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line
 6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboard
 a + Ethernet spoof
 b + IP spoof
 c + UDP spoof
 d + TCP spoof
 e + ICMP spoof
 f + ARP spoof
Select a node (key in 0123456abcdef):


1:Display network configuration1:显示网络配置
2:Display debugging information2:显示调试信息
3:Display information about an IP address or a hostname3:显示信息的IP地址或主机名
4:Display information about an Ethernet address4:显示一个以太网地址信息
5:Obtain Ethernet addresses of computers in an IP list5:获取以太网的计算机IP地址列表
6:Display how to reach an IP address6:显示如何实现一个IP地址
8:Sniff and display open ports8:嗅探和显示开放端口
9:Sniff and display Ethernet addresses9:嗅探和显示以太网地址
10:Sniff and display network statistics10:嗅探和显示网络统计数据
11:Sniff and verify checksums11:嗅探和验证校验和
12:Display which values to use for netwox parameters12:显示该值用于netwox参数
13:Obtain DLT type for sniff and spoof for each device13:获得DLT类型为每个设备嗅探和欺骗
14:Spoof a record14:欺骗纪录
15:Display content of a record15:显示内容的记录
16:Convert a record16:把一个记录
17:Recompute checksums of packets in a record17:再计算数据包的校验和记录
18:Reassemble IP packets of a record, and reorder TCP flow18:重组IP数据包的记录,和重新排序的TCP流
19:Extract a range of packets from a record19:提取一系列数据包从一个记录
20:Search for strings in packets from a record20:数据包从一个记录中搜索字符串
21:Convert a number21:转换为一个数字
22:Convert a string22:将一个字符串
23:Display ASCII table23:显示ASCII表
24:Convert IP addresses ranges24:转换IP地址范围
25:Test if a directory is secure25:测试是否安全的一个目录
26:Dump a file26日:转储文件
27:Compute MD5 of a file27日:计算文件的MD5
28:Convert a binary file to readable and editable file28:二进制文件转换为可读和可编辑的文件
29:Convert a readable and editable file to a binary file29:可读和可编辑的文件转换为二进制文件
30:Convert a file from unix to dos30:将一个文件从unix dos
31:Convert a file from dos to unix31:将一个文件从dos unix
32:Spoof Ethernet packet32:欺骗Ethernet数据包
33:Spoof EthernetArp packet33:欺骗EthernetArp包
34:Spoof EthernetIp4 packet34:欺骗EthernetIp4包
35:Spoof EthernetIp4Udp packet35:欺骗EthernetIp4Udp包
36:Spoof EthernetIp4Tcp packet36:欺骗EthernetIp4Tcp包
37:Spoof EthernetIp4Icmp4 packet37:欺骗EthernetIp4Icmp4包
38:Spoof Ip4 packet38:欺骗Ip4包
39:Spoof Ip4Udp packet39:欺骗Ip4Udp包
40:Spoof Ip4Tcp packet40:欺骗Ip4Tcp包
41:Spoof Ip4Icmp4 packet41:欺骗Ip4Icmp4包
42:Spoof of packet samples : fragment42:欺骗的包样品:片段
43:Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:noop43:欺骗的包样品:片段,ip4opt:无操作
44:Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:rr44:欺骗的包样品:片段,ip4opt: rr
45:Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:lsrr45:欺骗的包样品:片段,ip4opt: lsrr
46:Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:ts46:欺骗的包样品:片段,ip4opt: ts
47:Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:ipts47:欺骗的包样品:片段,ip4opt:进行
48:Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:ippts48:包样品:欺骗片段,ip4opt: ippts
49:Ping ICMP49:Ping ICMP
50:Ping ICMP (EthIP spoof)50:Ping ICMP (EthIP欺骗)
51:Ping TCP51:Ping TCP
52:Ping TCP (EthIp spoof)52:Ping TCP (EthIp欺骗)
53:Ping UDP53:Ping UDP
54:Ping UDP (EthIp spoof)54:Ping UDP (EthIp欺骗)
55:Ping ARP55:Ping ARP
56:Ping ARP (EthIp spoof)56:Ping ARP (EthIp欺骗)
57:Traceroute ICMP57:Traceroute ICMP
58:Traceroute ICMP (EthIP spoof)58:Traceroute ICMP (EthIP欺骗)
59:Traceroute TCP59:Traceroute TCP
60:Traceroute TCP (EthIp spoof)60:Traceroute TCP (EthIp欺骗)
61:Traceroute UDP61:Traceroute UDP
62:Traceroute UDP (EthIp spoof)62:Traceroute UDP (EthIp欺骗)
63:Traceroute on a specified IP protocol63:Traceroute指定IP协议
64:Traceroute on a specified IP protocol (EthIp spoof)在指定的IP协议64:Traceroute (EthIp欺骗)
65:Scan ICMP65:扫描ICMP
66:Scan ICMP (EthIP spoof)66:扫描ICMP (EthIP欺骗)
67:Scan TCP67:扫描TCP
68:Scan TCP (EthIp spoof)68:扫描TCP (EthIp欺骗)
69:Scan UDP69:扫描UDP
70:Scan UDP (EthIp spoof)70:扫描UDP (EthIp欺骗)
71:Scan ARP71:扫描ARP
72:Scan ARP (EthIp spoof)72:扫描ARP (EthIp欺骗)
73:Simulate presence of a/several computer/s (arp and ping)73:模拟存在/几个计算机/ s (arp和萍)
74:Flood a host with random fragments74:洪水主机与随机片段
75:Fill table of a switch using a flood of Ethernet packets75:填充表开关使用大量的以太网数据包
77:Check if seqnum are predictible77:如果seqnum predictible检查
78:Reset every TCP packet78:重置所有TCP包
79:Acknowledge every TCP SYN79:每个TCP SYN承认
80:Periodically send ARP replies80:定期发送ARP应答
81:Send an ICMP4 timestamp81:发送一个ICMP4时间戳
82:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 destination unreachable82:嗅探和发送ICMP4 / ICMP6目的地不可到达
83:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 time exceeded83:嗅探和发送ICMP4 / ICMP6时间超过
84:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 parameter problem84:嗅探和发送ICMP4 / ICMP6参数问题
85:Sniff and send ICMP4 source quench85:嗅探和发送ICMP4源淬火
86:Sniff and send ICMP4/ICMP6 redirect86:嗅探和发送ICMP4 / ICMP6定向
87:TCP client87:TCP客户机
88:UDP client88:UDP客户端
89:TCP server89:TCP服务器
90:UDP server90:UDP服务器
91:TCP server multiclients91:multiclients TCP服务器
92:UDP server multiclients92:multiclients UDP服务器
93:TCP remote administration server93:TCP服务器远程管理
94:TCP remote administration client (exec)94:TCP远程管理客户端(执行)
95:TCP remote administration client (get file)95:TCP远程管理客户端(文件)
96:TCP remote administration client (put file)96:TCP远程管理客户端(文件)
97:SYSLOG client97:SYSLOG客户
98:Flood a host with syslog messages98:洪水主机syslog消息
99:TELNET client99:TELNET客户机
100:TELNET client executing one or several commands100:TELNET客户机执行一个或多个命令
101:Brute force telnet client101:强力telnet客户机
102:Query a DNS server102:查询DNS服务器
103:Obtain version of a Bind DNS server103年:获得绑定DNS服务器的版本
104:DNS server always answering same values104:DNS服务器总是回答相同的值
105:Sniff and send DNS answers105:嗅探和发送DNS的答案
106:Send an email106:发送电子邮件
107:Post a newsgroup message107:新闻组的消息
108:List newsgroups available on a server108:在服务器上可用新闻组列表
109:Download one, or more, newsgroup messages109年:下载一个,或者更多,新闻组的消息
110:Ethernet bridge limiting flow110:以太网桥限流
111:FTP listing a directory111:FTP目录清单
112:FTP client : get a file112:FTP客户端:一个文件
113:FTP client : put a file113:FTP客户端:把一个文件
114:FTP client : del a file114:FTP客户端:del文件
115:FTP client : get a directory recursively115:FTP客户端:一个目录递归地
116:FTP client : put a directory recursively116:FTP客户端:把一个目录递归地
117:FTP client : del a directory recursively117年:FTP客户端:德尔目录递归地
125:HTTP server125:HTTP服务器
126:HTTP remote administration server126:HTTP服务器远程管理
127:Cypher/decypher a file using a xor127:密码使用xor / decypher文件
128:Split a file in smaller chunks128:将一个文件在较小的部分
129:Reassemble chunks of a file129:重组的文件块
130:Brute force ftp client130:强力ftp客户端
131:Brute force http client (site password)131:强力http客户端(网站密码)
132:Brute force http client (proxy password)132:强力http客户端(代理密码)
133:Convert an url/uri133:将一个url / uri
134:Obtain urls/uris in a HMTL file134年:获得url / uri在html文件中
135:Convert urls/uris in a HMTL file to absolute urls135:url / uri在html文件转换为绝对url
136:Web download (http://... or ftp://...)136:网页下载(http://..。或ftp://..。)
137:Create a sample configuration file for tool 138137:138年为工具创建一个示例配置文件
138:Web spider (use configuration file created by tool 137)138:Web蜘蛛(137年使用配置文件创建的工具)
139:Web spider on command line (fully recursive)139:Web蜘蛛在命令行(完全递归)
140:Spoof EthernetIp6 packet140:欺骗EthernetIp6包
141:Spoof EthernetIp6Udp packet141:欺骗EthernetIp6Udp包
142:Spoof EthernetIp6Tcp packet142:欺骗EthernetIp6Tcp包
143:Spoof EthernetIp6Icmp6 packet143:欺骗EthernetIp6Icmp6包
144:Spoof Ip6 packet144:欺骗Ip6包
145:Spoof Ip6Udp packet145:欺骗Ip6Udp包
146:Spoof Ip6Tcp packet146:欺骗Ip6Tcp包
147:Spoof Ip6Icmp6 packet147:欺骗Ip6Icmp6包
148:Ping ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery148:Ping ICMP6邻居发现
149:Ping ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery (EthIp spoof)149:Ping ICMP6邻居发现(EthIp欺骗)
150:Scan ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery150:扫描ICMP6邻居发现
151:Scan ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery (EthIp spoof)151:扫描ICMP6邻居发现(EthIp欺骗)
152:Interactive IRC client152:交互式的IRC客户端
153:IRC client listing channels153:IRC客户端清单通道
154:IRC client listening on a channel154:IRC客户端监听一个通道
155:Network performance measurement : TCP server155:网络性能测量:TCP服务器
156:Network performance measurement : TCP client156:网络性能测量:TCP客户机
157:Network performance measurement : UDP server157:网络性能测量:UDP服务器
158:Network performance measurement : UDP client158:网络性能测量:UDP客户端
159:SNMP Get159:SNMP得到
160:SNMP Walk160年:SNMP走
161:SNMP Trap161:SNMP陷阱
162:SNMP Trap2162:SNMP Trap2
163:SNMP Inform163:SNMP通知
164:SNMP Set164:SNMP设置
165:TFTP client : get a file165:TFTP客户机:得到一个文件
166:TFTP client : put a file166:TFTP客户机:把一个文件
167:TFTP server167:TFTP服务器
168:FTP server168:FTP服务器
169:Display simple network configuration easy to parse169:显示简单的网络配置容易解析
170:TELNET server170:TELNET服务器
171:DHCP client171:DHCP客户端
172:List articles range of a newsgroup172:文章的新闻组列表
173:Download overview of one, or more, newsgroup messages173年:下载的概述,或者更多,新闻组的消息
174:FTP client : get a file and check its MD5174:FTP客户端:一个文件并检查其MD5
175:Web download (http://... or ftp://...) and check its MD5175:网页下载(http://..。或ftp://..。)和检查它的MD5
176:TFTP client : get a file and check its MD5176:TFTP客户机:得到一个文件并检查其MD5
177:Check if a SMTP server is up177:检查是否一个SMTP服务器
178:Check if an IRC server is up178:检查是否一个IRC服务器
179:DHCP client requesting an INFORM179:DHCP客户端请求一个通知
180:SNTP client obtaining time180:部门的客户端获取时间
181:SNTP server181:部门的服务器
182:Obtain size of a web file (http://... or ftp://...)182年:获得web文件大小(http://..。或ftp://..。)
183:TCP relay183:TCP继电器
184:UDP relay184:UDP继电器
185:TCP multiclient relay185:TCP multiclient继电器
186:Millisecond sleep186:毫秒睡眠
187:Display date and time187:显示日期和时间
188:SYSLOG server188:SYSLOG服务器
189:SMTP server189:SMTP服务器
190:Make coffee190:煮咖啡
191:Generate a password (English, French, Spanish)191:生成一个密码(英语、法语、西班牙语)
192:Spoof of packet samples : fragment, ip4opt:ssrr192:欺骗的包样品:片段,ip4opt: ssrr
193:IDENT client requesting info about an open session193:识别客户端请求信息开放的会话
194:IDENT client creating a session and requesting its info194:识别客户端创建一个会话和请求信息
195:IDENT server195:识别服务器
196:WHOIS client196:域名查询服务客户
197:WHOIS client guessing server197:客户机猜测服务器域名查询服务
198:SMB/CIFS client: list shares198:SMB / CIFS客户端:上市
199:SMB/CIFS client: create a directory199:SMB / CIFS客户端:创建一个目录
200:SMB/CIFS client: delete a directory200:SMB / CIFS客户端:删除一个目录
201:SMB/CIFS client: rename a directory201:SMB / CIFS客户端:重命名一个目录
202:SMB/CIFS client: list contents of a directory202:SMB / CIFS客户端:列出一个目录的内容
203:SMB/CIFS client: delete a file203:SMB / CIFS客户端:删除一个文件
204:SMB/CIFS client: rename a file204:SMB / CIFS客户端:重命名一个文件
205:SMB/CIFS client: get a file205:SMB / CIFS客户端:一个文件
206:SMB/CIFS client: put a file206:SMB / CIFS客户端:把一个文件
207:SMB/CIFS client: recursively get a directory207:SMB / CIFS客户端:递归目录
208:SMB/CIFS client: recursively put a directory208:SMB / CIFS客户端:递归地把一个目录
209:SMB/CIFS client: recursively delete a directory209:SMB / CIFS客户端:递归删除一个目录
210:Web spider on command line (stay in same directory)210:Web蜘蛛在命令行(在相同的目录中)
211:Web spider : converts a local downloaded filename to its original url211:Web蜘蛛:本地下载文件名转换为原来的url
212:Web spider : converts an url to its local downloaded filename212:Web蜘蛛:url转换为其本地下载的文件名
213:Display a list of IP addresses213年:显示IP地址的列表
214:Traceroute discovery: graph of network topology214:Traceroute发现:图的网络拓扑
215:Traceroute discovery (EthIp spoof)215:Traceroute发现(EthIp欺骗)
217:SMB/CIFS server217:SMB / CIFS服务器
218:Netwox internal validation suite218:Netwox内部验证套件
219:Compute cryptographic hash of a file (md5, sha, etc.)219:计算密码散列文件的md5、沙等。
220:Convert a binary file to a base64 encoded file220:二进制文件转换为base64编码的文件
221:Convert a base64 encoded file to a binary file221:base64编码的文件转换为二进制文件
222:In a HMTL file, suppress links pointing to local urls222:在一个html文件,抑制链接指向本地url
223:Forward an email223:转发一封邮件